Love Is Currently

Love is a Gift

Sunday 3 June 2012

I Love You Hearts

i love you hearts

If love frightens you because you have been hurt in the past, or you are worried about making a commitment, just for a few moments put those fears aside. With a fearless heart ask yourself where you are. What is your heart telling you? You see when it comes to affairs of the heart it is always best to go with the "heart."

i love you hearts

Often there are sensory cues long before a person can utter the words "I love you." Brilliant minds can push love away because they tend to intellectualize feelings rather than allowing the feelings to guide. I believe it is a theory of quantum physics that you cannot deeply desire that which is not deeply desiring you. Human magnetic fields are strong. There are silent cues that are constantly being transmitted by all living beings. Some people call them "vibes" others see it as a state of attraction. Actually we transmit intrinsic data fields on scalar waves like music being played. These morphogenic field transmissions are inaudible but very powerful. Love is like a tidal wave that crashes over your soul and shakes the essence of you. It is undeniable and it is incredibly beautiful!

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So if you are in love you absolutely know it. You think of your partner day and night, wonder what they are doing, what they are thinking, and you may find yourself pining for them. You may find that you can't eat, can't sleep well, or your thoughts continue to drift to a past moment that pleased you over and over again. You can try to ignore this thing called love or you can act upon it by sharing it. Hiding your feelings of love is painful until it is finally expressed. When love is expressed, be it physically, mentally or emotionally, it allows a reciprocal flow of life energy back and forth, almost as if a revival of the spirit is taking place and old becomes new again.

i love you hearts

So this wave of love continually washes over you on every level. You find yourself wanting to please your partner; you will find joy in their joy, pain in their pain, a freshness about life, and perhaps even a level of communication you have never experienced with anyone before. Love can be strong, it can be gentle, it can be a lapping wave that touches the shore on a constant basis or may come in at higher levels...ones you can even ride!

i love you hearts

When is it the right time to tell someone that you have fallen in love with them? The right time is when you have sensed their love for you even if the words have not yet been spoken. Some individuals are more capable of verbal expression and others, and this is more often a male trait, best "say" I love you by physical expression such as in lovemaking. Sometimes it is best to say the words "I love you" as the entire being is engaging in the act of making love. However, please never ever use the act of sex to fool anyone into believing you love if you truly do not.

i love you hearts

If you are holding hands and you look into your partner's eyes and there is love in his/her heart you will be able to sense the glow, and the even the fear of love. Yes, love can be frightening especially to someone who wasn't ready for love to appear. You may have just gotten out of one relationship, or you may have been deeply hurt by a former lover and so your protective shield goes up because your instinct is to run from harm. Whatever we resist may persist.

i love you hearts

Younger people often equate sexual attraction and lust with love. Nature has a way of bringing people together because proliferation keeps the cycle of life going. That is why some men and women date many different people before actually experiencing true love. Those that are vibrant, the "animals" that would best further the herd can have great sexual drive and built in innate wisdom urging them to seek and proliferate. These individuals are not acting with moral constraints but rather by pure sexual drive and motivation---a sort of conquering effort like lions in the jungle. But one day their sexual prowess will transform from lust to love...all souls are actually seeking that one incredible life mate with whom they can share passionate love until the end of time.

i love you hearts

Are you in love? If you are - there will be many perfect moments to say "I love you." Saying those three powerful words can be incredibly freeing for the body, mind and spirit. Love is a wonderful gift that should not be intellectualized; it should be cherished and savored. As you embrace love it will embrace you. Place no expectations on is different for every human being. Men and women have different ready points and that is okay. Love is patient, it is kind, it is all that the Bible Verse says and more.

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Many are the times when words can be deceiving. When a person says I love you, look at him closely. The person needs to substantiate that statement. But not through another set of words but deeds. It is easier said than done. Be level headed and do not melt when these words are addressed to you. I love you is not enough. The words might sound like sweet melodies to the ear but take heed and be patient. Let the person who used these words walk the walk. Actions speak louder than words. Let this person pass the whole test. By merely writing your name in an exam sheet you do not make your score. The examiner has to be convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that indeed you know what you are talking about. It is a wise thing to give this person time and at the same time to take your time because a simple I love you is not enough. Let time be the arbitrator in this case. Time will always tell. Will the sweet talker stand the test of time?

i love you hearts

Deeds ought to speak for themselves. It is the most powerful mode of communication. Does the person apart from saying I love you understand your needs, hopes, desires and expectations. Are you treated well until you say "yes, this is the person I have been looking for all this time" The missing link that makes a person walk to the end of the world looking for it. I love you is not enough, it is not the end of the road. Actually it is misused many times to take advantage of a situation. It is used to exploit your vulnerability and naivety. Be careful not to act desperate by acting like no one else has ever told you such magical words. It might be a bait. If you give in so quickly, the person might leave you high and dry.

i love you hearts

Is this person faithful to you or you are just another one of his many projects? Are you the only one in his life? Beware of falling in the arms of a heart breaker. He might break your heart so badly that it will take a long time to heal. It is true that these great words did not emanate directly from his heart however much they may be sugar coated. I love you is not enough, is he caring enough for you? I mean does he do those small things that matter? He should be washing your feet when you are tired, always being there for you when you most need him, Offering you a shoulder to cry on, making you feel good when your days are blue and many more romantic gestures. It may sound trivial but that is what matters in life.

i love you hearts

Honesty is a virtue and you should ask yourself whether this person is honest with you. Do not be taken for a joy ride. Do not think what he is saying is true because I love you is not enough. Is he honest enough to open his heart to you? Lack of honesty in a relationship is a sure way of killing romance in a relationship. Physical, material and emotional support combined with understanding go a long way to render meaning to the words I love you.

i love you hearts

When it comes to making a man love you everyone has some sage advice to contribute. Some women will tell you that you need to put your best foot forward and dress provocatively and come across as a sex kitten. Other women will tell you that the best way to capture a man's heart is to play hard to get. Although these approaches may work with some men, there are specific things you can do that will ensure you stand the best chance of winning the heart of your own Mr. Right.

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If you are trying to make a man love you being genuine is always best. You may think that you need to embellish the truth a bit in order to be more attractive to a man. Never do that. Men can see through this immediately and it's a huge turn off. If you are trying to make a man love you be proud of who you are. Never apologize for anything that he may see as a shortcoming. He'll love the fact that you're completely honest and your self-confidence will also win his heart

i love you hearts

Don't devote all of your time to him. This may seem a bit counterproductive if your goal is making a man love you, but it's really very effective. Men love to chase women and they want to feel as though you are choosing them over something else. If you're constantly available he'll being to not only wonder if you're becoming too dependent on him but your actions will also suggest that your life isn't very full. Go out and have fun with friends, spend time with family and pursue the career you really want. He'll admire you for living each and every moment of your life and he'll treasure the time you do spend with him.

i love you hearts

When you are wondering what caused the breakup all sorts of things go through your mind. Everything you said or did that might have offended him. But your main thought is how to make him love you again. How to recapture your ex boyfriend and win back his heart. By thinking of what you might have done or said to offend your ex you are on the right track but you need to take it a little farther.

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The reason your boyfriend became dissatisfied with the relationship is probably not any one thing but rather a combination of things. When your boyfriend suddenly decided to break things off with a you, it could be because you became too eager to please him and get him to commit, or you could have gone the other way and been nagging him for a commitment. If none of these seem to be the reason, then maybe you became too easy and predictable. But whatever the cause of the breakup, it happened and now you need to make him love you again, recapture your ex boyfriend and win back his heart.

i love you hearts

To capture anything you need the right bait. The right bait to recapture your ex boyfriend is you. That is what you used to win his heart before and it is what you should use to make him love you again. To get any bait to work successfully it can't be too obvious or easy to grab. There needs to be some challenge and mystery about it. This is what you used to capture your ex boyfriend before. Challenge and mystery. So now, you need to prepare the bait. Go to a salon and get yourself a complete make over. Become so sexy and alluring that when your ex sees you he will go after the bait like a starving mackerel.

i love you hearts

Now, you put some mystery into the equation by disappearing for a while. Keep this going for a bit. Appear and let him see you laughing and having a great time, but don't let him get near enough for conversation. Then disappear for a while. Do this a few times and then let him nibble at the bait by talking to him. It won't be long until you can reel him in and he will love you again.

i love you hearts

Is there any feeling that even comes close to being in love? Most women don't think so. When we finally meet the guy who takes our breath and heart away, all we really want is to know that he feels exactly the same way. It's incredibly difficult if you feel that the relationship is unbalanced and you're convinced that he doesn't care for you as deeply as you care for him. Instead of sitting idly by waiting for him to feel more connected emotionally to you, there are ways to get your guy to love you more.


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