Love is a Gift
Wallpaper is back in style and has been creeping slowly up in popularity for the last three to four years. The manufacturers and designers have created some beautiful designs, lovely textures and extensive color selections.
It is so much easier to change a paint color, grap a tin of paint and a roller and away you go. Have you ever tried to hang wallpaper? I tell you, it is divorce material if you are DIYing with your husband!! Plus being on small stature, it is very difficult to hang climbing a ladder.
I must admit, they have much better technology now, pre-pasted papers take away some of the pain, but trying to match a pattern is still a nightmare.
I have just finished an apartment for a client and we have used wallpaper throughout. It looks superb, I have used textured papers in the main living and bedroom areas. They provided color to the walls and broke up the large expanses of wall, becoming a subtle backdrop for a collection of antiques. Here is the catch, it wasn't a DIY job for me so I didn't hang it, a professional was employed and what a difference that makes.
Big and bold patterns are hip, but best suited to commercial situations I feel. The provide a great talking point in restaurants and hotels, and lets face it, they redecorate every five years anyway!
I suppose where I am coming from is, wallpaper is a great designers tool, but make sure you select your design wisely and to save time, money and your relationship, hire a professional wallpaper hanger to do the job for you!
Having love wallpapers on your computer can really brighten up your day. There are many images to do with love that are guaranteed to make you smile. So many people are familiar with the heart and the bow and arrow as symbols of love towards one another that having these as your background can remind you of that special someone, any time of day. Love wallpapers for your desktop can also sport a loving message or quotation as well as loving images. These words can have powerful meanings or just simply say 'I love you' but one thing is for sure, each message will leave you feeling warm and happy inside. Hearts are a very versatile image, as many people will like to have these as their wallpaper without it being especially about love. They can be used as general images creating a fresh and funky picture.
The cupid with its bow and arrow is a typical type of love backgrounds, although you can now find the design in a range of different forms, such as cartoon or fine art. You can even find some love quotations and pictures with a touch of humour about them. Bashful cartoon teddy bears or a comic strip style wallpapers with a romantic but silly ending can make you laugh. Bringing such humour to a love story is a refreshing alternative to old fashioned pictures of love. Even jokes about love can be appealing to some, wanting a more comedy feel to their love backgrounds.
Valentine's Day is a time when many users of computers will change their desktop backgrounds. Love backgrounds will become most popular around this time as people tend to feel happy and loving and like to think about their loved ones. The different styles of wallpaper you can choose from include cute and cuddly animal pictures, exotic and colourful designs, scenes of natural beauty and well known poems and quotes from over the years.
There is no denying it; everybody wants to make their computer background more beautiful. Using the array of amazing art and creations available, you can bring your desktop to life. You can share the love by sending your favourite wallpapers to your friends or your loved ones so they can have a wallpaper to remind them of you. There are probably more love backgrounds available than any other category, so don't worry you will never get bored, plus you can switch and change your love backgrounds as and when you want to. You may even like to add personal photos to your love wallpapers, entwining your image with that of a beautiful scenic view or a funky colourful and modern design. Customising your wallpaper for your desktop means it will be unique; nobody else will have the same background as you do. Love wallpaper is always going to make you feel happy each and every time you turn on your computer, so get searching and find your special love backgrounds.
Desktop Wallpapers are very popular downloads. Wallpaper on the computer screen changes the look of the screen within a moment. Wallpapers help us enjoy beautiful sights. With free wallpapers, we can view great photographs on our desktop. How to select free wallpapers and take care that we get the best? Let us discuss about that.
Designs- you get free wallpapers in many topics that include- Holidays Wallpapers, Nature Wallpapers, Popular Wallpapers, Animal World Wallpapers, Love & Romance Wallpapers, Seasons Wallpapers, Sights & Scenes Wallpapers, Religious Wallpapers and Inspirational Wallpapers. All these main topics offer further subtopics. For example in the main topic of love and romance wallpapers, you will get topics such as wallpapers on Life In Love, Love Flowers, Love Hearts, Love Thoughts and Romantic Scenes. Any good website may offer about thousand designs of free wallpapers to choose from. Make your choice of main topic and then the sub topic. Begin downloading wallpapers. It takes very little time, about ten seconds to download a free wallpaper. Download about fifty of them and then set them on your desktop. Keep those you like and delete those that you don't want.
Free wallpapers and hidden cost- if you are worried about any hidden cost of the free wallpapers, please rest assured. A good website will not add any adware or spyware. Those who add such attachments, write about them before you download. Avoid these websites. Download from a website that offers free wallpapers without any attachments as a hidden cost.

rasta love
The amazing rasta beanie was made popular by the Jamaicans and has their colors of green, yellow, black and red. The great thing about this color combination is that it will match practically everything. Many times people that are fans of the reggae Jamaican style will have dread locks and this requires a cap that is a little larger than normal because they take up a lot of extra space. The rasta tam is like a larger rasta beanie that has extra room for the dreads. Rasta hats come in many different styles and they even include some other colors that aren't in the original 4 rasta colors.

rasta love
The rasta beanie is sometimes found with a bill on it as if it were a baseball cap combined with a beanie. This is a very popular style and they are becoming more in style than the traditional skull cap beanies. You can get many other matching rasta clothing like shoulder bags, leather bracelets, earrings, rings, jewelry, rasta baja hoodies and more. The baja hoodie goes perfect with the rastafari culture because it shows a carefree attitude and has the same type of style that you would see in Jamaica. The rasta bag also comes in many different sizes and colors but don't worry they all match each other. If you want to dress in a reggae Jamaican style you should start with the rasta beanie and see how you like it. Most people love this style and if you are looking to buy a present for someone, this would be the perfect article of clothing.

rasta love
The beginning of the Rastafarian movement is somewhat uncertain. The organization of the movement is said to have taken a firm hold in the 1930's with a prophecy by Marcus Garvy the founder of the organization know as the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Garvey founded this organization in 1914 with the goal to unite all people of African ancestry of the world to one great body to establish a country and absolute government of their own. Garvey also thought all Africans should have the chance to return to Africa if they so choose. Garvey traveled to Jamaica looking for support for his movement and organization unfortunately he found very little. Upon deciding to leave the country and head to England in 1927 he is credited by saying in his farewell speech "Look to Africa where a black king shall be crowned, he shall be your Redeemer" this prophecy was mostly forgotten until the crowning of Emperor Haile Selassie 1 in Ethiopia in 1930. Rastafarians see this as the fulfillment of the prophecy and take their name from Haile Selassie's original name (Ras Tafari Makonnen ).Rastafarians believe he is the Black Messiah Jah Rastafari a figure of salvation who will redeem blacks from their white oppressors and reunite them with their native homeland.

rasta love
Leonard P. Howell is thought to be the first rasta and responsible for establishing the first organized branch of Rastafari in Jamaica in the early part of the 1930's. His message included the belief that Ras Tafari was the messiah returned to earth. This branch marked the first uniting of the Rastafarians and it paved the way for the continuing movement to bring hope and freedom for the black race. From its inception the Rastafarian movement was looked down on by the establishment in Jamaica. Howell was persecuted, vilified and jailed for his teachings yet his movement gained strength. His constant problems with the established authorities resulted in many raids and the lost of considerable information on his writings and history. Howell bought 500 acres in Saint Catherine Parish located on the south east side of Jamaica. He formed this land into a commune for the followers of Rasta and gave it the name Pinnacle. This caused a mini exodus from the slums and tenements of Jamaica with many moving to the new nation. In 1954 the constant persecution came to a head with the police raid and destruction of the Pinnacle commune. Howell continued his preaching up until his death.

rasta love
In 1966 Emperor Haile Selassie 1 visited Jamaica. The entire country as a whole greeted him with vast enthusiasm helping further the Rastafarian movement. Because of Howell's teachings his visit was considered a great honor for Jamaica and especially the Rastafari. Selassie however was a devoted Christian and it is not known what if any affiliation he had with the Rastafarian movement. In 1974 A Marxist revolution deposed Emperor Haile Seassie 1 forcing his exile to England he died a year later under mysterious circumstances.

rasta love
Without a doubt the development of reggae music gave the Rasta movement its greatest visibility. Bob Marley a student of Howell's and his music inspired and brought the beliefs of the Rastafarian movement to an international stage. The wailers as they are known today were formed in 1966 and their influence has grown despite the untimely death of the groups founder.

rasta love
Today Reggae music has helped keep the Rastafarian movement in the forefront of modern society. The use of the Rasta colors for those who know its meaning bring a very powerful voice to the belief of the Rastafarian movement of universal love and belief in ones self and value.

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rasta love

rasta love

rasta love

rasta love

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reggae love
Ah, what a divine, rich voice backed by luscious melodies! Hugh Beres Hammond was born the 9th of 10 children on August 28, 1955, in Annotto Bay, Saint Mary, Jamaica. Another artist who has been entertaining us for decades - more than 35 years - Hammond probably saw his greatest success in the 1990s. His passionate, soulful, romantic ballads establish him as one of the top Jamaican lovers' rock artists, appealing to young and old alike.

reggae love
Beres Hammond was inspired by Jamaican singers Peter Tosh, Ken Boothe and Alton Ellis as well as by American jazz and soul artists like Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye & Otis Redding, thanks to his dad's collection. He broke onto the international reggae scene in the 1980s with two hits in the light dancehall style: Groovy Little Thing and What One Dance Can Do. Also wonderful with an uplifting conscious tune, Beres Hammond is credited with the most popular reggae song of 1990/1991, Putting Up a Resistance. Perhaps his best known song in the U.S. came in about 1991 with the enormous international dancehall hit Tempted to Touch. Love from a Distance in 1996 was a masterpiece album with its lush melodies and soulful emotion. Not one to slow down, Beres Hammond continues to treat us to albums, with 2001's Music is Life , followed in 2004 by Love Has No Boundaries and A Moment in Time in 2008.

reggae love
A live Beres Hammond performance is always a treat. Enthusiastic crowds sing along LOUDLY to favorites, making for a lot of fun. I try to catch his appearances whenever possible. If you're not in love, you'll wish you were when he opens his mouth to sing. When the world seems to be falling apart, put on some Beres Hammond and let him melt away your troubles! In fact, I'm heading to listen now.