Love is a Gift

love quotes
When two people have the same crazy feeling of love, it can be the most wonderful thing in the world, a high of all high's. But if it's wrong -"O no" love can become very dangerous, if love is alone and only one-sided then it can rule your life and take over completely no matter who you are. And most of us have had this experience at least once in our life's.

love quotes
Love quotes from people around the world.

love quotes
You can be sure that we have all experienced love at least once in our life's and if not "You Will" but what love can do is unexplainable. When two people are in love they do funny things, like write love quotes to one another or poems. And they also do other strange thing's that they wouldn't normally do when they are not in love. Some of those funny thing's are; Act goofy, Pretend to be ridiculously sweet, call each other funny names such as, hunny, love bug, poopsie pie, butter cup, sugar buns, and all that crazy stuff but to hear those funny words from a person that loves you, feel's so great but coming from just a friend they do seem kind of hilarious.

love quotes
A famous love quote can make anything more romantic, like a radio greetings, cell phone text messages and personal letters. Famous quotes help convey a message that one find it difficult to express in his own words. It fosters a better relationship, or helps rekindle old feelings. It has more positivism to it than one can possibly imagine.

love quotes
All people in any age group use quotes at some point in their lives. Whether they are youngsters experiencing crushes, a divorced looking for a new relationship or an old person falling in love again, almost every person love to use quotes in order to tell their deepest and truest feelings.

love quotes
Cute quotes are classified as those sayings that could not be taken as very serious and deep, yet it conveys the real emotions of love in a more playful tone. It still ignites the same passion. These are often sent to those just starting out a relationship, or to begin conveying feelings of fondness for another person. It will be awkward to say to someone you barely know the words, "I love you," yet a cute quote will send the message that you are beginning to like that person.

love quotes
Cute love quotes can also be everyday messages that a couple will send to one another to spice up a day, especially if the stress from work is creeping in. For example, if one says he finds a girl as bright as a sunshine, he does not mean this literally. He is complimenting the girl and giving subtle hints of adoration.

love quotes
Some quotes are actually famous lines or dialogues from a movie. In the movie The Fever Pitch by Drew Barymore, there is a very good line there that says, "You are romantic, you have a lyric soul and you could love under the worst and best conditions." In the songs performed by Nicole Kidman and Evan McGregor, there is a particular line that turned into a utilized movie love quote. The line is, "Storm clouds can gather and stars can collide, but I love you until the end of time."

love quotes
A sad love quote is made or given by a person who had failed in love. It is a bitter reality that some relationships finish on a sour note. Numerous sad quotes refer to relationship breakups while some other sad quotes pertain to the act of moving on. Some sad quotes talk about infidelity and disloyalty. The quote, "Even if my heart might call your name in the rain, even if these arms might desire to embrace you once again. Even if I cry out and is no longer in pain, I will never fall in-love this way again," is an example of a sad quote. Yet, the important thing is to learn and live by the message. And a sad quote ultimately hopes to inspire love anew.

love quotes
Many people consider love as the most wonderful gift of God to mankind. And for this reason alone, It will be perpetualized. People go on a life journey, and they will go through different stages of life. These quotes, though mushy at times, will help them live by.

love quotes
There will be times when we will be left alone to deal with our own emotions, be it happy or sad. And love quotes are just within reach to nurture these feelings. It makes us grow stronger and steadfast to our beliefs.

love quotes
Our stronghold to love quotes is manifest in many ways. These words are scattered in our scrapbooking crafts, in the photographs we cherish and put in frames, in our bookmarks, posters and other memorabilia.

love quotes
Are you looking for cute romantic love quotes and sayings? Then how about you make your own easily instead of copying it from a random website? Making your own deep, meaningful, romantic quotes is very easy.

love quotes
The good news is, anyone can make his/her own cute romantic quotes. You don't need to be a writer or poet. You simply need a heart and a pen... and you are already on your way to write your own sweet love quotations.

love quotes
So why write your own? Simply because quoting your own saying to your boyfriend, girlfriend, or even your friends is much more special and romantic than just copying and pasting someone else's words.

love quotes
You are you. You are a unique person with your own mind and heart. So you can easily come up with your unique version of a love saying.

love quotes
We have many types of romantic quotations - from funny, humorous, wise, meaningful and sweet... to sad quotes, break up, inspiring, complicated, and more.

love quotes
So your first step is to choose which type you want to come up with. Are you looking for a romantic quote for the Valentine's Day... or did you just have a break up and you want to make a quote to heal your heart?

love quotes
The best way to come up with a very touching love quote, is to really feel it with your heart. If a quote doesn't come deep from your heart, it won't be nice or effective.

love quotes
So simply imagine a strong memory you have related to the feeling you want to make this quote. If you want to write a happy, sweet, cute quote, then you obviously want to remember a romantic happy memory. The same goes with the opposite.
Love is really a wonderful feeling and it feels like you can do anything when you're with someone you love. This is exactly what I am feeling right now. I am looking for some sweet love quotes for him for my boyfriend for at least to let him know how much I love him and these quotes are just perfect. Thank you!
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